Our Service Benefits

Discover why people are choosing us

Cyberscan vs. Traditional Medical Testing

Advanced biofeedback technology that uses scalar wave technology

Cyberscan uses quantum biofeedback technology to scan your body’s energy field, identifying imbalances and stressors without the need for invasive tests or medications.

Traditional Medical Testing Drawbacks:

  • Invasive: Blood tests, X-rays, and scans can be uncomfortable and time-consuming.
  • Focuses on Symptoms: Conventional tests often treat symptoms rather than root causes.

Our Benefits:

  • Non-Invasive: No needles, blood tests, or discomfort.
  • Holistic Healing: Targets the root causes of illness at the energetic level.
  • Immediate Results: Instant feedback for immediate action.

Thermography vs. Mammograms

Advanced Thermography for Full Body & Breast Scans

Thermography is a radiation-free imaging technology that detects heat patterns and inflammation, offering early detection without exposure to harmful radiation.

Traditional Imaging Drawbacks:

  • Radiation Exposure: Mammograms and X-rays expose you to radiation, which can be harmful over time.
  • Uncomfortable Procedures: Traditional imaging methods can be invasive and uncomfortable.

Our Benefits:

  • No Radiation: Safe for regular use, with no risk of radiation exposure.
  • Prevention-Oriented: Detects subtle changes before they become serious problems.
  • Painless & Non-Invasive: No squeezing, compression, or discomfort during the scan.

Our Mission

Helping your body do what it does best

A few years ago, I set out on a mission to provide quality health care to all those who need it. I’ve seen people prescribed all these different types of pills and medications to no avail. At Total Health Scan, we help your body do what it already knows: what it does best. Our all natural remedies have been researched and tested, and are designed to help you find relief, comfort, and healing.

Helen Petal – CEO & Founder

Cryotherapy vs. Pain Medications & Surgery

The Ultimate Cold Therapy for Healing and Recovery

Cryotherapy involves exposing your body to extremely cold temperatures to reduce inflammation, pain, and promote recovery.

Medications & Surgery Drawbacks:

  • Side Effects: Pain medications can have addictive properties and side effects.
  • Invasive Procedures: Surgery requires downtime, anesthesia, and potential risks.

Our Benefits:

  • Natural Pain Relief: Reduces pain and inflammation without medication.
  • Faster Recovery: Speeds up healing, perfect for athletes and active individuals.
  • Non-Invasive: No surgeries or lengthy recovery times.

OligoScan vs. Blood Tests

Advanced Mineral and Heavy Metal Testing

OligoScan provides instant, non-invasive mineral and heavy metal analysis, helping you understand your body’s nutritional and toxic profile in real time.

Traditional Blood Test Drawbacks:

  • Slow Results: Blood tests can take days to weeks for results.
  • Invasive Procedure: Requires needles and lab visits.

Our Benefits:

  • Quick & Painless: No waiting for lab results—get your analysis in minutes.
  • No Needles: A simple scan on the skin replaces traditional blood tests.
  • Holistic View: Identifies not just nutrient levels, but also toxic metal exposure
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The best medicine is preventative. Our scans are at the forefront of putting patients in control of their decisions.

We have helped over 14300 customers


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See how our clients took control of their well-being

80% of members see their symptoms improve in the first year—with 77% reducing their number of necessary medications.

"I love that the CyberScan technology can be done remotely! I was able to send in a hair sample, and they provided the same great service. It's so convenient." – Karen W.

"The level of detail the thermography scan provided was astounding. I’ve never felt more in control of my health, and the team was so supportive throughout the process." – Emily S.

"I was nervous about getting a breast cancer screening, but the thermography process was quick, painless, and gave me peace of mind. I highly recommend it to anyone." – Linda M.

"After my CyberScan session, I felt more energized and balanced. I’ve struggled with chronic fatigue for years, and this has been a breakthrough for my health." – Michael T.

Ready to take control of your health?

Schedule your advance wellness service today at our Center in Long Island and start your journey toward a healthier, more balanced life.